Докато Кобрата влиза във форма, Андреа свали задръжки и дрехи (СНИМКИ)

Докато Кобрата влиза във форма, Андреа свали задръжки и дрехи (СНИМКИ)

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Кубрат Пулев още няма уреден следващ двубой, но се готви усилено за завръщането си на ринга, което се отлага вече близо година. В момента той е в Марабея, където поддържа добра спортна форма и започва дните си с "лек" 10-километров крос.

Но докато Кобрата се бъхти по испанските улици, Андреа явно скучая и напомни за себе си и, най-вече, за сексапилните си форми с две страхотни снимки, публикувани в Instagram. На първата тя е с гръб към камерата, но разкрива достатъчно от себе си:

I always enjoy the beauty of nature 🐌🐝🍃🌳🍏

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На другата снимка тя е с книга, която прикрива част от тялото й, а към публикацията има и доста дълъг текст:

I sometimes wonder if our fate is predestined why would we have free will? I actually concluded that after people are born they don't have a lot of options before them. They actually have a few options and respectively a few decisions. All of your decisions exist in he universe at the same time. That is why when we meet someone who we are drawn to it is because we are already with that person in a parallel universe. We do things together and they happen easily as if it is meant to be. The more sensitive ones always sense the signals. Those signals are coded in micro particles that transfer information from the universe to the spiritual world. We can barely notice them with our spirit depending on our development. Every decision is supposed to be taken from our brain but the brain reacts from our inner desires of our souls. In other words - every decision has already been taken. That does not mean that we don't follow our path. We already took our decision even without knowing it because we do not understand the truth of time. We believe that there is past, present and future but they actually exist at the same moment. That is the reason why people suffer, they simply don't understand the truth of the universe. What makes us happy in our soul are actually the things that resemble our own essence.

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